Job Category
Job Type
Garena-Data Analyst 數據分析師
Taipei Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Entry Level

Garena 深信只要抱持著一顆赤子之心及熱情的態度,就能將工作與生活中看似
相同特質及使命感的人,都能加入 Garena,在此實現夢想與目標。

作為 Data Team 的一員,你會負責 Garena 遊戲業務的大量數據分析工作,業務範圍包含全球各區域自研與代理遊戲,數據工作包含 BI 報表、多維度分析、數據挖掘等,以數據驅動業務發展,透過數據創造實際 Impact。監測各產品通用數據進行議題發掘、跨產品協作分析專案。

Data Analyst, Associate/Senior Associate
Singapore Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Entry Level

Within Game Operations, we are committed to bringing the best digital entertainment platform to our users. Like us, you strive to understand our diverse range of users by challenging the status quo and developing innovative solutions to engage users.